Academic Performance
Can hypnosis really help with academic performance?
Yes! Hypnosis has indeed been shown to improve academic performance.*
Does that mean I don't have to study anymore?
Your hypnotherapist isn't in the business of transmitting content into your brain. If you aren't paying attention in class and reading your books and doing your work, a hypnotherapist won't have much to work with. What we can do, is help retrain your brain toward better focus and concentration, which leads to better absorption, retention, and recall.
Better absorption of new information.
Better retention of new information.
Better, faster recall.
That is, after all, what we need in order to improve academic performance. It all begins with focus and concentration, which are the cornerstones of all effective hypnosis interventions.
Call Summit Hypnosis & Wellness today at 561-841-7603 or email us at [email protected]
*(2006) The Effect of Hypnotic Training Programs on the Academic Performance of Students, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 49:2, 101-112, DOI: 10.1080/00029157.2006.10401562. or