8 Easy Steps for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution


It is that time of year again.

January 1st means New Year’s Resolutions. Did you cringe? Does February 1st come with the list all but forgotten, except for the guilt of not achieving your goals? Get a notebook, because I am going to share 8 steps to help you achieve success in 2013, and it is very important for your success to write it down!

1. Write your list.
This year, be realistic. If you want to lose 10 pounds you gained over the Holidays, this is much easier than if you need to shed 100 pounds.

2. Create a timeline
 For achieving your goals. Where do you want to be in a year? Now divide that in half for 6 months, in half again for 3 months, and in half again for 1 month. To lose 100 pounds you need to shed 12.5 pounds in the first month. This may not be realistic, so reevaluate your goal to something more reasonable – maybe 50 pounds is a goal you are more likely to achieve.

3. Write out the action steps
Needed to achieve your goals. Again, be realistic. If you want to shed 100 pounds, exercising every day is probably not an option. Start by reducing your caloric intake. Once you have released some of that excess weight, you will feel more like exercising! If it is more money, then determine how many more customers you need to create that income. If your goal is to meet someone special, you will need to get out and meet people. Make a list of places you might meet them and go!

4. Listen to your self-talk
 Stop negative self-talk with a thought stopping method I teach my clients. Say “Cancel” in your mind and think a positive thought. If you cannot find a positive thought, think of a Purple Elephant!*

5. Write positive affirmations
 Place them everywhere you spend time – on the bathroom mirror, on the fridge, next to your bed. Write them in the present tense, “I am my ideal weight” or “I achieve all of my goals easily and effortlessly”. Read them out loud to yourself every day, especially just before you go to bed and when you get up in the morning.

6. Love yourself
 Most of us struggle with this. We see our flaws and focus on them. Remember that you are unique. There is no one else like you! Look yourself in the eyes and say, “I love you! You are worth it!”

7. Keep a log
f your actions: calories consumed, clients you’ve called on, groups you’ve joined to meet people, and so on. Check it against your timeline, and adjust as needed.

8. Find a coach
Or someone to help you. It is always easier to stay on track when you have someone to hold you accountable!

You ARE worth it!